Will it go round in circles
As an inveterate Radio 4 addict, I was thrilled to hear that Andrew Marr would be presenting a programme to finally, for once and for all, detail the rules of Mornington Crescent. This arcane game has been of particular interest this year for us, as Paul has a MC-based puzzle to solve for Perplex City, and embarrassingly I've been unable to help, despite a lifetime of listening to I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue. The prog was broadcast this morning, and despite popping to Waitrose at 10:30 for last minute food, my timing and shopping skills were sufficiently awesome that we were back in the car at 11:01 to hear it. Fascinating stuff, in the end, although not quite up to the quality of the trailers for it somehow, which superbly parodied the M&S food ads on the telly, which have been making me drool in recent weeks. I'm only partly a food/cooking geek (although I think I count as a 100% cheese geek these days), and really should get round to doing more proper cooking more often. The next few days should be good for this, the fridge is fully loaded, and not entirely with cheese, for once...