The Meaning of Christmas
I'm going to be splitting my day between cooking and playing on the XBox 360, where I suck at racing in PGR3, and earlier I just started at Kameo, which I think I like, but in which the tutorial level is hard - please, just regenerate my health, albeit slowly, that's all I ask :-) You can find me on Live as LaurieJ, or if you actually want to race someone who might beat you using his Ferrari collection, try Paul as Hedgepog.
Cooking seems slightly redundant since the advent of more chocolate and biscuits than we could consume in a year, but at least I was mainly planning to cook savouries! Going to have to make a dint in the current cheese stocks soon too, since clearly the world has realised I'm into cheese, and so has arranged for even more cheese to be available "behind the counter" at the Cambridge Cheese Company when I next get there. Thanks cheese-buyers! Mmm. Luckily we also did well for wine this year (and beer, but that's more Paul's thing than mine), so the cheese can be accompanied. My wine rack was already full - even allowing for laid-down bottles elsewhere and dessert wines not going on the rack at all - so will have to start drinking/cooking (some red goes in my new casserole dish later on today, some gets mulled, some gets drunk, perhaps the rack won't be overflowing by tonight!). Time to put the Reduced Shakespeare Company Christmas CD on...