IWD & related bits

I heard that in France, women shopping in certain supermarkets were each given a rose at the checkout to celebrate International Women's Day and the progress women's rights have made worldwide. Somehow I doubt that I'd get a flower of any sort if I went to Tesco later.
An interesting article about how the increasing societal pressure for an active/adventurous sex life in later life means that women never get a chance to relax and accept their bodies as they are, but must maintain the tiresome and tiring beauty regimes society, and most men, still expect.
A funny piece in the Washington Post about dating and the extreme pickiness in selecting or ruling out dates which is sometimes present these days (one warning sign mentioned is indecisiveness: "Where do you want to go?" "I dunno, you?"; evidently one should also steer clear of men who wear backpacks - hmm).