Blogging against Sexism

Today is International Women's Day. It is also the day of the annual Global Women's Strike for the return of military budgets to the community, for caring work to be paid for, and for equal pay for men and women worldwide. I feel somewhat inadequate for not striking for the cause; however, I can at least contribute by Blogging Against Sexism. Why? Because women are still undervalued and underpaid; still underrepresented in the higher echelons of academia, of politics, of industry, of the arts; still oppressed either directly or indirectly; still trafficked as slaves in some parts of the world. Indeed, however frustrating the situation in the West is, things are much worse for women elsewhere. Feminism still has a long way to go even here, and in some places (South Dakota, anyone?) is in the process of being set back a few decades.

You might like to read some more hardcore feminist blogs than this today. There's a wide range, from the extremely passionate and personal, to the more sober and political. You could try
I Blame the Patriarchy which suggests that all men might not be rapists, but that they do all benefit from women's subjugation; or have a look at gendergeek. You might also like to read the latest report Shaping a Fairer Future from the Women and Work Commission. On a more frivolous note, check out Joy of Tech's comic for the day!