Fortnightnotes: environmentalism, the left, information literacy
So many discussions of inclusion and diversity seem to ignore class, so I appreciated this - A great article by Tim Carmody covering two different ways people have written about pandemic risks/decisions: Maddow has constructed a universe where she is a tiny satellite orbiting a much larger planet, whose continued health and existence is the central focus of her concern. Manjoo has drawn a map with himself at its center, where anyone beyond the reach of his telephone falls off the edges. Maddow is also explicitly pleading with her viewers to learn what they can from her experience, and adjust their behavior accordingly. Manjoo is performing his calculus only for himself; he implicitly presents himself as a representative example (while also claiming he and his circle are extraordinarily conscientious and effective), but each reader can draw their own conclusions and make their own decision. At this point the balancing...