
I've been working at AlertMe for 2.5 years now, and it's been a great ride going from a back-of-the-envelope idea (broadband home security) to a real product selling in volume to genuine customers.

But I decided it was time to move on. I'm leaving AlertMe today, and will be starting a new job on Monday: a project at CARET to look at embedding emerging technology into the university (amongst other things).

I'm looking forward to a fresh start in a different field; everyone I've told has been very encouraging, and I've been surprised by how many diverse folk have contacted me with suggestions of people to talk to in my new role.

One benefit of a job change is a welcome chance to clear out crud from my computer, and blithely to delete emails and files I'll not need again. My desk drawers are empty now, too, and I'm hoping that in my two days of unemployment this week I will find time to go through their former contents, along with sorting out long-neglected paperwork at home.

Alternatively, I may just find out what it's like to lie on the sofa and watch daytime TV.