Fortnightnotes: biodiversity, physicality, cybersecurity, community

NationBuilder - a nice example of how legally connecting bits and bobs gets you targeted advertising not for products, but for politics . Fascinating notes from a Harvard workshop about public interest internet - politics, standards and infrastructure. Thanks Niels ten Oever. PwC’s recent Responsible AI Diagnostic Survey of more than 750 senior business executives through September 2019 found that only 34 percent think their use of AI is in line with their organisation’s values . UN entities are not subject to GDPR , it turns out. Cybersecurity for cars is a huge industry - growing to $2.3b in 2025 ! Maybe car companies should have spent money upfront on securing their designs, rather than paying startups to fix problems later. (via Beau Woods ). Cybersecurity for shipping. A fascinating tale of investigating how vulnerable systems are. An investigation into how Boeing's financialisation links to the 737 MAX crashes . An article from early this year by Deb Chachr...