Revisiting the Internet of Things
Five years ago was the Open Internet of Things Assembly. There arelots of links about it, and background reading, here . The attendee list reads now as a veritable “who’s who” of creative and thoughtful folks involved in IOT in all kinds of ways. The culmination was a declaration, a definition of the Open Internet Of Things , which many attendees signed. 2012 Open IOT Assembly [credit: Alex D-S ] On Friday some of us will meet again — with new participants too — and attempt to create an updated definition and a plan for how to turn this into a certification mark. For me, it seems a long time since the Assembly. I was at the Open Knowledge Foundation then, so my talk was about the meaning of open and the different ways different things can be open . Now I’m leading work to find ways to get more responsible digital technologies at Doteveryone , and I’m a member of a new co-operative to develop and supp...